From the Chairperson's Desk

From the Chairperson's Desk

Vision statement of the Chairman: It is indeed exhilarating to mark the momentous beginning of the newly established Institute of Language Studies and Research (ILSR), which is all set to launch itself as a centre of excellence for language studies and research in India. Aspiring to be a world class centre of academic finesse, I am sure, we will successfully globalize the rich cultural, linguistic and epistemic heritage of Bengal by disseminating the unique reservoir of Bengal`s literary, cultural and linguistic resources across the world. ILSR will strive to attain the highest standards in research and training and will aim curve a niche for itself among the national and international academic fraternities. We will offer cutting edge research scopes for emerging scholars and new job aspirants in the domain of language and cultural studies. Through outstanding research, training and literary translation, ILSR will grandly resuscitate the cultural and academic glory of Bengal.

Proposed Activities and plans of ILSR

Since FLT (Foreign Language Teaching), ELT or any other language teaching are inextricably connected with linguistics, translation and allied disciplines, a composite centre of study and research comprising of all the three would be beneficial for the growth of all the aspects. This may not be achieved immediately, but would remain the ultimate goal of ILSR.
ILSR, is conceived with an idea that there is a huge scope to meet the growing demand of language and linguistic studies and research in Indian languages and especially in tribal languages. The Institute would also therefore, be a bridge among the different research departments of Universities in West Bengal devoted to linguistic studies and language sciences.
ILSR will also offer 'Advanced English and Bengali Editing' courses.
Bangla Language Teaching (BLT) for administrative officials, business executives posted in this region, or others from different Indian language groups in Kolkata would be the potential clientele.
Bangla as Foreign Language (BFL) would be a specially designed course for foreigners. All these would be revenue generating programmes.